Facts about New Zealand elections

New Zealand has an electoral system voters can trust. There are many checks and balances to make sure parliamentary elections are fair and the results are accurate.

We’ve put together these facts about New Zealand’s parliamentary elections to answer some common questions and misconceptions about our electoral system.

If there’s anything you think is missing, or if there are any questions about elections you’d like answered, please contact us.

Contact us

There are different organisations you can contact if you have questions or concerns about an election advertisement.

Advice and complaints (elections.nz)

During an election there are rules about what you can and can’t do on social media. Here’s how you can follow the rules – and what you can do if something doesn’t seem right.

Social media (elections.nz)

Before you vote

In the voting place

Counting the votes

Election advertising and campaigns

After the election

The Electoral Commission’s role